Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Making Businesses Run Efficiently With Digital Asset Management

In today's complex IT environment, data security and management is a primary concern for business. Front-page stories about massive data leaks, security breaches, ransomware and intrusion into systems are now an everyday occurrence. As business continue to engage in digital and e-commerce, they amass massive amounts of data. If not managed properly, that data can become a severe liability.

That's where Digital Asset Management or DAM comes in. DAM ensures that businesses can access the information that they need when they need it, securely and safely.

There are companies that can build Digital Asset Management systems from the ground up as well as assist in migrating data from existing asset management systems.  They also provide support for the back end and even have facilities for hosting and have access to their own data centers should you require one.  Every business is unique and has its own set of needs and requirements; that's why a good digital asset management system provider must be able to specialize in custom development to ensure that DAM investments are flexible and able to grow with your company.

There are needs for multiple solutions to cater to different facets of a business. Digital asset management solutions should be able to cater to every use case, but in certain cases (such as security) these digital assets may need to be kept separate. In such cases, customized solutions ensure that specific requirements of any organization can be met. Properly executed, a DAM system ensures better workflow and better security for companies which on rely on handling of large quantities of data.

Adaxes - Active Directory Identity Management Solution

Adaxes is a software solution developed by Softerra, which provides efficient management of Microsoft Active Directory, including security, administration, and management services. Active Directory is the directory service developed by Microsoft for use with its network and domain services. In a nutshell, it is a service or program that manages all network user accounts and log-ins. Each user is registered into the active directory and given log-in credentials, a username, and a password.  Whenever the user logs in to a Windows system computer, Active Directory determines whether the user is a normal user or administrator based on how the user was registered, and is given access rights according to his or her registration status. This controls the degree of access users have in the computer environment, thereby establishing security and control.

In large organizations or complex network systems, management of these credentials can be difficult and downright confusing—not to mention expensive. This is where Adaxes comes into play. It provides a console for Windows Active Directory and simplifies processes in relation to maintaining and managing it.

In a nutshell, Adaxes makes the administration of Active Directory much easier—and there are many benefits to using it. One of the biggest advantages of using Adaxes is the ability to give standard users password self-service consoles so that they can change or even recover log-ins or passwords without seeking IT assistance. It also allows role based delegation, which sets permissions that users need. Custom commands allow administrators to perform complex Active Directory tasks. Adaxes likewise provides the ability to launch various tasks at predetermined times, like sending notifications to users, deleting inactive accounts, synchronization tasks, and more. It makes it easier to automate common tasks to optimize procedures and eliminate time wasted by manual operation. Finally, it maintains consistency and sets standards for Active Directory.